Het achtste leven (voor Brilka)

Theater Oostpool | Nina Spijkers
Let's talk about Europe
Fri 10 May ’24 18:30 - 23:15
A musical and heartbreaking family epic
Fri 10 May ’24
18:30 - 23:15
  • Fri 10 May ’24
    18:30 - 23:15
    Pauze 20:05

This theater adaptation of the thick novel Het Achtste Leven (for Brilka) will be a grand and epic music theater performance. A heartbreaking actor's drama, told from the perspective of the female characters. An emotional, visual and musical journey through the twentieth century, with music sung and played live.

Theater adaptation of the novel Het Achtste Leven (voor Brilka), through which the young Georgian writer Nino Haratischwili internationally conquered many readers' hearts. This grand and epic musical theater performance features live music both sung and performed: from Caucasian and Slavic folkloric songs to pop songs from the story's later decades. 

Artistic director Daria Bukvić creates this performance as an ode to the strong women in her family, who with their resilience managed to endure the atrocities of history with their heads held high.


Naar de roman van Nino Haratischwili Tekst Emilia Linda Heinrich, Julia Lochte en Jette Steckel Regie Nina Spijkers Regieassistent Emilie Pos Spel en muziek Marie Louise Stheins, Selin Akkulak, Liz Snoijink, Démira Jansen, Michael Muller, Sharlee Daantje, Sharon Harman, Eeke Boonstra, Bram van der Heiden, Linde van den Heuvel, Rabbi Jallo  Vertaling Jantsje Post en Elly Schippers dramaturgie Madelon Kooijman |decor- en video-ontwerp Marloes en Wikke  kostuumontwerp Dymph Boss kap & grime ontwerp Bärbel Scheid lichtontwerp Yuri Schreuders muziekontwerp Wilko Sterke muziek en compositie Démira Jansen (DÉMIRA), Sharon Harman  koor arrangementen en begeleiding Keti Tsiklauri en Ivo Boswijk 

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